Council Policies

Council Policies outline Councillors' directives for the CEO and officers, ensuring consistent and unbiased decision-making. They establish standards for Shire of Boddington (Shire) operations, guiding staff and the community on procedures, services, and regulations.

Policies define how the Shire conducts or requires certain works and activities, promoting accountability and efficiency. While these policies govern the Shire’s business, they may be overridden by Commonwealth and State legislation, Local Planning Schemes, local laws, council resolutions, and delegations. However, they take precedence over Operational Practices and Procedures, and Local Government Guidelines, which, though not set by Council, are strongly recommended for adherence.

Developed to support strategic goals and mandatory obligations, Council Policies provide clear guidance on permissible actions in specific circumstances. Their implementation should be fair, consistent, and focused on guidance rather than enforcement. These policies align with the Shire’s mission, vision, and strategic direction. Council reserves the right to amend or repeal policies at its discretion.

To maintain relevance, policies should be reviewed regularly by the assigned Responsible Officer, at least once every two years. Additionally, the Local Government Act 1995 (s5.18, s5.46) requires annual review of delegations, with corresponding policy updates to ensure clarity and consistency.

Documents for Council Policies
Assisting Local Sportsmen and Women - Council Policy
Attendance at Events - Council Policy
Australia Day Citizenship Awards - Council Policy
Boddington Caravan Park - Council Policy
Bush Firefighter (Minimum Standards) - Council Policy
Business Assistance Grants
Chief Executive Officer Employment and Performance Appraisal
Child Safe Awareness
Code of Conduct Complaints Management
Communications and Media
Community Engagement
Community Facility Fund
Community Grant Program
Council Concept Forum
Council Meeting Schedule
Council Member Continuing Professional Development
Council Member Records
Council Policy - Access to Shire Reserves to Collect Flora Specimens
Council Policy - Affordable Housing Units - Hotham Avenue
Council Policy - Alcohol and Other Drugs
Council Policy - Appointment of Acting Chief Executive Officer
Council Policy - Asset Management
Differential Rating
Employee Gratuity Payments
Extended Close of Business over Christmas
Financial Hardship
Fire Control Review
Gravel Royalty
Habitual or Vexatious Complainants
Independent Living Units - Hotham Rise Lifestyle Village
Information Communication Technology Asset Disposal
Internal Control
Investment of Surplus Funds
Kerb Deposits and Footpath Bonds
Legal Representation Costs Indemnification
Legislative Compliance
Management of Council Member Tablets
Naming of Places
Private Works
Public Question Time
Purchasing of Goods and Services
Recognition of Service
Related Party Disclosures
Risk Management
Second-hand Buildings
Shed Caravan Accommodation
Shire Childcare Staff Childcare Services Discount
Stormwater Management and Connection
Street Trees
Superannuation Extra Payment
Use of Shire Information Technology (IT) Facilities for Employees
Use of the Common Seal and Execution of Documents
Work Health and Safety