Environmental Health



Food Businesses

The Shire’s Environmental Health Officer works with local food businesses to ensure compliance with all food safety standards and regulations. The Food Act 2008 specifies the notification and registration requirements, definitions of a food business. It is the principal legislation governing food businesses in WA.

Temporary Food Stall or Premise

A temporary food stall or premise is any equipment and appliances for preparing or selling food. This includes barbecues, sausage sizzles, cake stall and food stands. All temporary food stalls and premises are required to notify the Shire of Boddington prior to trading in public. This also includes:

  • For-profit businesses;
  • Non-for-profit organisations;
  • Community sport groups; and,
  • Charities.

Application process:

  1. Notification of Temporary Food Stall application form to be submitted to the Shire a minimum of 7 working days prior to your intended event. This can be emailed to shire@boddington.wa.gov.au.
  2. Application fee in accordance with the Shire’s fees and charges to be paid at the time of submitting your application.
  3. A site plan showing the setup of your stall/premise is to be submitted with your application.
  4. An Environmental Health Officer will review your application and contact you with the outcome and any conditions that may be required to comply with.
  5. The Shire’s Environmental Health Officer may conduct an inspection to ensure compliance with the Regulations and Standards.

Permanent and Commercial Food Businesses

Businesses that store, prepare, handle, serve and sell food are required to notify and register with the Shire. The Shire’s Environmental Health Officer is responsible for administering the Food Act 2008 (WA) Food Regulations 2009 and Australian/ New Zealand Food Standards Code.

All food businesses are required to notify the Shire:

  • Before any food business commences operation;
  • When the nature of an existing business changes; and/or
  • When the ownership of an existing business changes.

Application process:

  1. Food Business Notification and Registration form to be submitted to the Shire, this can be emailed to shire@boddington.wa.gov.au.
  2. Application fee in accordance with the Shire’s fees and charges to be paid at the time of submitting your application.
  3. A site fit out plan with full layout is attached to your application.
  4. An Environmental Health Officer will review your application and work with you to ensure all requirements are met.
  5. An Environmental Health Officer will complete an onsite inspection to ensure compliance with the Regulations and Standards.
  6. Depending on the risk rating of the business, there are further fees associated with the surveillance and inspection of your business on a yearly basis. Please refer to the Shire fees and charges.
  7. If the application is approved, a certificate of registration will be issued to allow the food business to operate.

Home Food Businesses

Home food businesses are required to meet the same requirements as a permanent and commercial food business. Please note that home businesses that do not have a commercial kitchen are restricted to low risk foods that do not require temperature control. You may also require planning approval if operating from home.

View Home Business Information Sheet & Checklist here.

Food Safety Training

The Shire of Boddington takes food hygiene within the Shire seriously and assists food businesses to meet their food handling obligations by providing free access to the I’M ALERT food safety training. Please note that I’M ALERT is available in a number of languages. 

The training provides food handlers with the required skills and knowledge to ensure that food is handled in a safe and hygienic manner.

A certificate can be printed upon successful completion of the training course.

Commence the I’M ALERT food Safety Training here

For more information about food safety, contact the Shire on 9883 4999 or visit the Department of Health website. 


Effluent Disposal Systems

Any wastewater produced from a property will need to be disposed of in an approved manner. Disposing of wastewater other than rainwater in a stormwater drain is not permitted. For most properties this will mean connecting to the Water Corporation’s reticulated sewerage system. However in areas where reticulated sewerage is not available, onsite effluent disposal is required.

To obtain approval, an effluent disposal application is required to be lodged with the Shire which will be assessed and subject to approval conditions. Scale site plans (drawn to scale of not less than 1:200) and detail of setbacks from buildings, boundaries, watercourse and other structures must be clear in the application.

Septic Tank Setbacks


  • Minimum of 1.2m from any boundary, edge of house pad, building, retaining wall or footings

Leach Drains

  • 1.8m from any boundary, septic tank, edge of house pad, buildings, footings or house pad
  • 30m from any bore, well or watercourse
  • 6m from open drainage channel
  • 1.2m from trafficable or paved areas
  • Covered with 150mm to 300mm of clean sand fill free from clay
  • Leach drains 2m apart if installed parallel

Alternative Treatment Unit (ATU) Setbacks


  • Minimum of 1.2m from boundaries or buildings
  • 30m from any bore
  • 1.8m from irrigation areas
  • 6m from watercourse

Irrigation must be:

  • 1.8m from open fencing
  • 1.8m from paved surfaces
  • 3m from upslope buildings
  • 3m from swimming pool on flat ground or upslope and 6m from swimming pool upslope
  • 30m from any well, bores, dams and watercourses
  • In general minimum irrigation area-150m2 (or subject to Shire approval)

List of current approved waste water systems:

Commercial Onsite Waste Water Systems

Please complete the application to construct or install an apparatus for the treatment of sewage https://www.health.wa.gov.au/~/media/Files/Corporate/general-documents/water/Wastewater/Septic-Application.pdf

For more information please refer to the guidance on the approval of the installation of a commercial onsite wastewater system https://www.health.wa.gov.au/Articles/F_I/Guidance-on-applying-for-approval-of-installation-of-a-commercial-onsite-wastewater-system or contact the Shire.

Greywater Systems

Grey water is wastewater from the bathroom and laundry. The Department of Health has approved a number of products that can be installed by licensed plumbers or installers.

List of current approved Greywater systems: https://www.health.wa.gov.au/Articles/A_E/Approved-greywater-systems

Effluent System Usage

You cannot use/move into a residence until a final inspection has been completed by the Shire’s Environmental Health Officer and a ‘Permit to Use’ the system has been issued. This must be arranged prior to occupation of a dwelling. It is the responsibility of the installer of the effluent system (septic tank or ATU) to arrange for this inspection.


Prior to inspection please ensure that:

  • Power is available and connected to the pump and alarm (if applicable);
  • The tanks have been filled with water for at least 24 hours before the inspection. The lids to the units have either been removed or opened;
  • The pipe work into the tanks has been left exposed; and,
  • All other conditions as specified on your approval have been completed.

Once the apparatus has been inspected and commissioned, a ‘Permit to Use’ will be issued to the installer and a copy sent to the owner and/or builder if applicable.

Please refer to the Shire’s schedule of fees and charges for any application and permit fees (link to fees and charges)


Additional references and links:


Noise Management and Complaints

Unreasonable noise can interfere with the health, welfare, and comfort of a person receiving the noise. In most cases, noise issues are resolved by talking to neighbours and coming up with a solution. For example, it could be as easy as turning down the bass on your stereo or practicing your musical instrument when your neighbour is at work. Where this hasn’t helped, the Shire of Boddington’s Environmental Health Officer or WA Police may be contacted for assistance.

Noise complaints can vary from a number of sources such as stereos, air-conditioners, lawn mowers, construction sites, roosters and musical instruments. Please note, barking dogs and vehicles on the road are not covered under the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997. Barking dogs would be a Ranger matter. For assistance with noise form anti-social activities, contact the WA Police on 13 14 44. Please note that the WA Police must prioritise calls for assistance.

How to Make a Noise Complaint

The Shire will require you to complete an online service request form. Information such as the nature of the complaint, duration and exact location of the noise source is required to conduct a thorough investigation. We will also require you to document a noise complaint journal.