Unimproved Valuations to be Reviewed

Published on Monday, 24 April 2023 at 2:54:32 PM

Properties currently rated on their unimproved valuation (UV) are to be reviewed by the Shire of Boddington.

The Shire is required under section 6.28 of the Local Government Act 1995, to review and make recommendations to the Minister for Housing, Lands, Homelessness, and Local Government as to the method of valuation to be used by the Shire for rating purposes.

A pack will shortly be sent to all rural residential and rural small landholding ratepayers currently rated based on unimproved valuations. The pack includes:

  • Details of your property according to the Shire’s rate records & Land Use Declaration Form
  • Discussion Paper for Change in Method of Valuation
  • An extract of the Shire’s 2022/2023 Annual Budget detailing rates in the dollar
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Section 6.28 of the Local Government Act 1995 (The Act) requires that the general principle for the basis of valuing land is to be:

  • Unimproved Value (UV) - where the land is used predominantly for rural purposes and
  • Gross Rental Value (GRV) - where the land is used predominantly for non-rural purposes

Where the land is used predominantly for non-rural purposes, the gross rental value of the land will be applied. Council will seek the Ministers approval to have the property rated on Gross Rental Value (GRV).

While the Valuer General provides the GRV and UV valuations, the Shire is responsible for ensuring the appropriate method (GRV or UV) is used to calculate rates.

In relation to actual rate calculations, UVs are based on unimproved land value multiplied by the applicable rate in the dollar.

GRVs are based on the gross annual rental value that the land might reasonably be expected to realise if let on a tenancy from year to year, multiplied by the applicable rate in the dollar.

Ratepayers are requested to complete the declaration forms and return them to the Shire.

The Shire encourage you to make comment so that your views can be considered.

Download related documents here:

Property use Declaration form

Proposal for Changing Methods of Valuation of Land document

If you have any queries relating to this information please email shire@boddington.wa.gov.au, or call (o8) 9883 4999.

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