Ranford Pool (Darminning) Proposed Enhancement

The Shire of Boddington has been working closely with a community led reference group, to develop future plans for the enhancement of Ranford Pool (Darminning). The Reference Group have recommended a number of upgrades, including the installation of a toilet facility, extending the radius of the paved section of the cul-de-sac to allow caravans to easily turn around, providing additional car-parking spaces, installing a barbeque as well as extra seating and shelters, increasing shade by planting trees in the central area adjacent to the yarning circle, and formalising pathways through the use of stabilised bauxite. The proposed upgrades also include the installation of a seasonal fire pit, bike racks, and interpretive signage to reflect and celebrate the cultural heritage and Tannin Extracts Factory.

Comments on the proposal can be submitted to the Shire of Boddington below or by visiting the Shire of Boddington administration office located at 39 Bannister Road, Boddington by Friday 12 April 2024.