Town Centre Revitalisation Project

Town centres are the physical, economic, social and cultural hearts of their communities. They are important places for local business and play a crucial role in community connection and neighbourhood character. Revitalisation of a town centre is the planned process of implementing initiatives within a central location that support thriving communities.

Why is this project taking place?

An upgrade of the Boddington Town Centre was identified as a key priority during community consultation for the development of the Council Plan 2022-2032.

 The need for the upgrade is driven by factors including:

  • Ageing infrastructure ‐ including seating, footpaths, kerbs and landscaping;
  • The desire to increase tourism activity
  • Car parking accessibility

 The project will consider priority areas for improvement such as:

  • New and upgraded footpaths;
  • New streetscape furniture including seats, signs, public art and bins; and
  • Additional landscaping, including more or replacement street trees.

How much will the project cost?

The total project cost, including significant elements such as undergrounding of power, is $6,612,499. The project will be progressed in logical stages as funding becomes available.

What is the timing of construction?

It is likely that project would be staged over 4 years from 2023/24 to 2027/28.

What's Next?

Public submissions were submitted earlier this year and were presented to Council at the July Ordinary Council Meeting 2023, at which time Council adopted the Final Masterplan.

Council has committed to the provision of $622,404 to the Town Revitalisation Project, pending a successful grant funding submission to the Growing Regions Program for $894,540.

Project elements that are confirmed for the 2023/24 year include:

  • Installation of vibrant street bins depicting images of the local area and key events
  • Planting of trees along Bannister Road
  • Removal of the fence surrounding the Old School to open up the area into a welcoming space

Funding applications have been submitted for:

  • Sealing of the carpark around the Town Hall
  • Installation of a pocket park adjacent to the IGA
  • Installation of a mural in one of the locations identified in the Masterplan
  • Refurbishment of the toilet block adjacent to the Shire Administration
  • Enhancement of Central Park

Mural Art Installation

Three mural artists have been selected to install murals on three buildings within Boddington. Jacob Butler, with family connections to Quindanning, has been selected for the Boddington Fire Shed. His experience is extensive, and his work is feature in Collie, Williams, Margaret River, Kwinana and many more locations. His style is perfect for the community's preference of a 'history' them on the fireshed. Check out his work: .

Georgina Paterson, a local artist from Williams, has been selected to paint the Bannister Road toilet block. Her focus is flora and fauna, which was the preferred theme for this location.

The artists selected for the Hotham Park toilet block are Imogen Palmer, Hayley Smith and Susan Respinger, as a collective team. Imogen and the team have extensive experience, and some of their work can be found Their vision of showcasing local flora and fauna for this site, is exactly aligned with the feedback received.